Senior Class

Congratulations Class of 2023
Congratulations to the Class of 2023! You have reached the final semester of your high school career. We are so proud of you!
Please refer to this site for updated information and details related to senior year. To go straight to details for graduation go HERE!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact your senior class team, Mr. Livingston or Ms. Deas.
Go Wildcats!
Graduation Packet

Click on the packet to go to the graduation page to get the full grad packet and other details on Commecement 2023 or click here.
Class of 2023 Cords and Stoles

Decision Day 2023

The Class of 2023 announces their decisions for their post secondary life plan. Click here to see images, photos and each Seniors' Decision!
2022-23 Yearbooks Still Available!

2022-23 Yearbooks Still Available!
The first edition of the Wildcat Periodical, the 2022-2023 Yearbook is still available for purchase! Prices are now $75 but only a few copies remain. Contact Mrs. McDonald to purchase a yearbook before they sell out!
Go to the Yearbook page for more information.