About Us
Our Mission
"To eradicate generational poverty in the lives of our students by providing a rigorous education from kindergarten through 12th grade through academic preparation, college and career readiness, and life skills for success."
Sugar Creek’s Three Pillars to Ensure Success
Sugar Creek Charter School is proud to employ a dedicated, passionate team of leaders and role models to shape the lives of our young students.
Academic Preparation
We provide an exceptional academic experience from kindergarten through grade 12. Our rigorous curriculum – coupled with personalized learning strategies – is the key to a solid high school and higher education foundation.
High School, College, and Beyond
Sugar Creek is committed to ensuring that each student succeeds throughout high school and college, as well as in the workforce. In addition to individualized support, we offer an Alumni Council to sustain relationships that support students following graduation.
Life Skills for Success
Academic preparation and success are not our only objectives. Along with the skill of self-management, we help students understand the importance of responsibility and integrity. Students in grades K through 8 receive character instruction that will benefit them well beyond their school years.
Nurturing Strong Minds and Character
At Sugar Creek, we are determined to serve as many students as possible during their formative years so they leave our school well-educated and prepared to be productive members of the community. Each day, we strive to reach this goal with a high degree of commitment and enthusiasm.
Dedicated Staff and Faculty
Many members of our staff and faculty have risen through the ranks at Sugar Creek. That’s a large part of the reason our educators are so passionate about, and devoted to, the success of our student population.