Staff Directory

Irving, Jackeia
5th Grade Math and Science Curriculum Coach
Irving.Jackeia@Thesugarcreek.OrgPhone Number: 704-509-5470
Welcome Back Wildcats!
My name is Mrs. Irving and I look forward to getting to know and grow our 5th grade scholars this year! This will be my 5th year in education while I have been apart of the SCCS family for 3 years total. I teach 5th grade Science where scholars will continue to build the foundational concepts learned in previous grade levels while expanding their knowledge for advancement for the future. I love all subjects but science has my heart as I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with a Bachelors of Science degree in Biology and Psychology. I am married and have 3 children that keeps me grounded which ultimately brings out the best in me. In my down time, I love to spend time with family and friends, traveling and writing. It is safe to say that I have a nurturing teaching style as I am committed and connected to the overall development of all my scholars well being. I lead with transparency to build the trusted solid relationships to achieve the ultimate goal of success of each one of my scholars. We are all in this together! Having said that, I am looking forward to an amazing rewarding year together as we discover, learn and grow from each other!
Course Description:
This fifth grade science curriculum map has been organized in this particular order because it aligns to the ELA and math curriculum. The units also align with the developmental levels of most fifth grade students. Units must be taught in this order for proper alignment with benchmark assessments. All fifth grade students are entering this grade with similar exposures and knowledge of these science skills because they were taught in fourth grade. All units need to be taught to their full potential in order to build the foundational knowledge students will need in sixth grade. When students leave fifth grade, they should have mastered the skills in the following areas:
• Structures and systems of organisms and necessary functions of life
• Interdependence of plants and animals within their ecosystem
• Organisms are different and the same as their parents
• Weather patterns and connections
• Force, motion, and the relationship between them
• Interactions between matter and energy and the changes that occur
• Properties of some materials change based on heating and cooling.
Supplies need for our classroom:
- composition notebooks
- 2-->3 Prong Folders
- 1 pack--> 3 Prong Sheet Protectors
- pencils/erasers/pencil sharpeners
- highlighters
- markers
- glue sticks
- loose leaf paper (college ruled)
- scissors
- expo markers
- index cards
- hand sanitizer
- disinfectant wipes