Staff Directory

Greetings everyone!!!
I am NIkea McDuffie English Teacher here at Sugar Creek Charter School. I enjoy working with high school students and English is my favorite subject. I am here to show my students how to think not what to think. I am excited about this school year and to be a part of the Wildcat Family! #TheWildcatWay
English II
This world literature course is designed to challenge students and prepare them for a postsecondary experience. This class builds upon reading, writing, and critical thinking skills through an intensive study of a variety of selected world literature via appropriate oral and written responses. The course provides a review of grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and usage as needed. This course focuses on the development of complex thought processes, independence in learning, and creative expression through discussion and frequent writing assignments. Homework is a reinforcement and extension of classroom instruction.
The North Carolina English II End-of-Course test will be administered at the conclusion of this course.
English III
English III students will study literature, historical documents, informational texts, poetry, drama, biographical works, and art from the United States to gain a better understanding of the U.S. in terms of history, literature and culture. They will develop the complex literacy skills necessary to compile information from sources into a meaningful and well written original text. By the end of English III, students are expected to read and understand increasingly complex texts at the high end of the 11th grade reading range.
Course Schedule
Block 1 English III/English III Honors
Block 2 English II
Block 3 English III/English III Honors
Block 4 Planning
- Agenda/Planner
- Pocket Folder
- Binder (for your notebook/notebook paper and to file papers)
- Multi-colored highlighters
- Black/Blue Pens and/or Pencils
- Red pens
- Loose Leaf paper
- Notebook
English II Syllabus