School Directory
Meet the Teacher
Hello, Wildcat FAM! Welcome to the “LIT” (Literature) Corner! I am pleased and excited to welcome you the #WILDCATWAY. I proudly serve as your Student’s English II Teacher. Outside of the wonderful world of teaching English, I enjoy many different hobbies. Some include, but not limited to READING (so cliché lol), shopping, traveling the world, watching biopics, but most of all educating others to be life-long-learners. I am a PROUD graduate of Warner University (GOO R-O-Y-A-L-S), and a soon to be graduate of GCU! So, without further ado, I would like to welcome YOU and your Child upon this “LIT” journey!
English II/ English II Honors Course Syllabus
- English II: view here
Class Schedule
- 1st Block: English II/English II Honors
- 2nd Block: Planning
- 3rd Block: English II/English II Honors
- 4th Block: English II/English II Honors
School Supplies
- Three ring binder (1 inch)
- Black and/or dark blue ink pens and pencils
- White-out correction tape ONLY (no liquid white-out)
- Highlighters (Yellow MUST BE INCLUDED)
- Loose-leaf notebook paper
- Dividers (Minimum 5)