Parents Right to Know Testing Schedule
Parents' Right to Know Testing Schedule
State Testing Requirements
K-3 – Mclass – Read to Achieve
This is a reading test that is given to all K-3 students 3 times a year. It is administered 1 on 1. Parents will receive results reflecting current proficiency and growth. These results can be discussed at parent conferences or at any time by scheduling an appointment with the teacher.
Grades 3, 4, 6, 7
End of Grade Tests in English Language Arts and Math
These tests are given in the last 10 days of the school year. Each test is a 4 -hour test and all tests are on- line unless the student has special accommodations. Parents receive score reports that include proficiency and growth information. These reports can be discussed with teachers at end of year parent conferences.
Grades 5, 8
End of Grade Tests in English Language Arts, Math and Science
These tests are given in the last 10 days of the school year. Each test is a 4 -hour test and all tests are on- line unless the student has special accommodations. Parents receive score reports that include proficiency and growth information. These reports can be discussed with teachers at end of year parent conferences.
High School (All testing is on-line)
Math I :May have been taken in middle school. Test is given in last 5 days of the course. Converted score is used as 20% of final grade. Test results are provided by the state.
English II: Test is given in last 5 days of the course. Converted score is used as 20% of final grade. Test results are provided by the state.
Biology: Test is given in last 5 days of the course. Converted score is used as 20% of final grade. Test results are provided by the state.
PreACT: Given in fall of sophomore year. Test is designed to give some idea of strengths and weaknesses as students prepare for the ACT which is given in the junior year. Parents score reports are provided and can be discussed with the student’s counselor by making an appointment.
ACT: Given in spring of junior year. Covers all subjects. Is used as an entrance exam by many colleges. Score reports are provided and can be discussed with the student’s counselor by appointment. Students can retake this exam to improve scores, if desired.
Local testing: In addition to state testing, Sugar Creek does benchmark testing 3 times a year for grades 2-8. Testing is 2 hours each for English Language Arts, Math and Science in grades 5 and 8. This testing is used to drive local instruction. Results are provided to parents and can be discussed during parent conferences